They really need to look at how Lux Touch and Blood and Honor handles things. Even B & H is too animated with the dice rolls.
In this app, each players turn (i.e., the computer bot) results in a pop-up explaining what the country is doing. Unnecessary.
Then, when the battles start the entire board goes dark and the app zooms in on the two countries battling. Silly!
The other apps show how this should be done-- leave the board fully visible without all this zooming! You are emulating a quiet classic board game!
If you must, give the player an option to do zooming. Also, instantly showing dice rolls makes no sense, either! The attackers dice should go first, then the defenders.
If what other reviewers have posted is true (and why would they misrepresent things?), the AI is bizarre, too!
Oh, well! For those looking for a classic Risk! clone, its Lux Touch for sure! (Blood and Honor offers a great twist with the cards being used for discrete single actions, not amassing, ridiculously, scores of armies.)
AstroPaul about Conquist 2 Lite, v1.32